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Zach Norman

NTS Partner

Zach came to nursing as a second career. He worked in marketing for a Non-profit firm from 2007-2012, where he developed skills in planning, designing, and promoting product/service offerings and web application development.

Zach has been a baccalaureate-prepared Emergency Nurse since 2014. He is committed to developing knowledge and skills to better care for a diverse patient population, as demonstrated through advanced certifications, including Certified Emergency Nurse, Certified Pediatric Emergency Nurse, and Trauma Nurse Specialist. Zach is a founding member of the Orientation Task Force and has participated in process improvements surrounding orientation, including Multi-disciplinary simulation, point-of-view simulation, Preceptor Training, and measurement of learner progress. These improvements have impacted staff tenure and patient outcomes.

Zach joins his NTS partners in wanting to leave the nursing profession a better place than he found it. He believes that strengthening the foundation of a nurse's practice will help the nurse have a productive career and provide high-quality care to the patient populations they serve.


  • Bachelor of Science in Recreation Administration, Easter Illinois University, Cum Laude
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Cum Laude

Areas of Expertise

Zach has been an Emergency Nurse for ten years and has performed the roles of Bedside Nurse, Triage Nurse, Charge Nurse, Preceptor, and Orientation Nurse. He has participated in several process improvements including projects for sepsis detection and treatment, throughput, and care coordination with pre-hospital providers.

  • Developer of NTS Learning Center - web application for Orientation Tracking

  • Evaluation Development
  • Preceptor Development
  • Simulation Content and Operations
  • Point of View Simulation Development


Sustaining improvements in sepsis care via New Graduate RN Simulation

Zach Norman presented a poster at the Illinois Emergency Nurse Association Conference regarding the impact that a purpose built education activity has had on the practice of New Graduate Nurses. Learners participated in a POV simuation of a septic infant then practiced in a high fidelity simulation enviroment the care of infant, child, and adult sepsis cases. This translated to education participants maintaining the best practices over the course of their career. 

Clinical Development Grid

Measure a participants clinical judgement practice during a simulation event to help them reflect on their performance.

Orientation Tracking Tool

This web application aims to help a Nursing Educator to individualize the Learner’s experience on orientation by focusing on measuring their progress to create a clinical judgement pathway.

Behavioral Health / Deescalation

Experience Emergency Care for a Behavioral Health Complaint from a patient's prospecitve. Focus on patient and colleague stafety through multi-disciplinary collaberation.