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Items on the Topic: Content Matter Expert

Simulation in Nursing Orientation

Simulation - during Orientation Project: Nursing Orientation Simulation Curriculum Innovation Simulation Curriculum for the Sklll and Assessment Development of the New Emergency Nurse Simulation Content Initial Patient Assessment and Cognitive Bias; Behavioral Health; Cardiac Care; Stroke Care; A...

Education Content

Education Content Accelerate the pathway to becoming an expert. Content Development Content is a vital component of all education initiatives. The nurse educator can often be tasked with developing new education from the ground up. Any nurse educator may find this task overwhelming and without direction. Evidence-based and established learn...

The Vital Role of Content Matter Experts in Reviewing Simulations

New graduate registered nurses undergo a challenging transition from the classroom to the clinical setting. Nurse educators and institutions often employ simulation-based training to facilitate their smooth integration into the healthcare workforce. Simulations provide new nurses a controlled environment to practice critical skills and decision-...