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Nurse Driven Processes balanced with Multi Disciplinary Collaboration

June 1, 2023

Nursing is a dynamic and ever-evolving profession that is pivotal in the healthcare ecosystem. One of the key factors contributing to its success is the ability of registered nurses to take ownership of and drive essential processes in patient care. Nurse-driven functions are celebrated for their positive impact on patient outcomes, enabling RNs to practice to the full extent of their license and facilitating career growth for the bedside nurse. However, while nurse-driven initiatives have yielded significant benefits, it is crucial to recognize the importance of multi-disciplinary collaboration and understand the limitations of a nurse's scope of practice to ensure holistic patient care.

The Power of Nurse-Driven Processes

Nurse-driven processes refer to healthcare procedures and decisions that RNs can autonomously manage within their scope of practice. These processes empower nurses to make real-time, patient-centered decisions and contribute to improved patient care in several ways:

  1. Timely Interventions: Nurse-driven protocols enable RNs to initiate critical interventions promptly, such as administering medications, creating interventions for pain management, or addressing emergent situations without waiting for physician orders. This speed can be a game-changer in healthcare, especially during emergencies.
  2. Enhanced Patient Safety: When nurses have the autonomy to make decisions based on their clinical judgment, it often results in a safer patient environment. Quick responses to changes in patient condition can prevent complications and adverse events.
  3. Patient-Centered Care: Nurse-driven processes prioritize individualized patient care. RNs can tailor interventions to each patient's unique needs, fostering a more personal and holistic approach to healthcare.
  4. Efficiency and Cost-Efficiency: Streamlined nurse-driven protocols can increase patient care delivery efficiency. It reduces the time spent waiting for orders, potentially shortening hospital stays and lowering healthcare costs.
  5. Professional Growth: Empowering nurses to drive certain aspects of patient care allows them to practice to the full extent of their license. This can boost job satisfaction and professional development.

Understanding Nurse Scope of Practice

While nurse-driven processes are essential, it's equally vital to acknowledge nurses' scope of practice limitations. Scope of practice defines the boundaries within which healthcare professionals, including nurses, can legally and ethically provide care. Understanding these limitations is crucial for maintaining patient safety and quality care. Collaboration with other healthcare disciplines is essential to address these limitations effectively:

  1. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Healthcare is a team effort. Nurses should collaborate closely with other healthcare professionals, such as physicians, pharmacists, and physical therapists, to provide comprehensive care. Open lines of communication ensure a holistic approach to patient care.
  2. Legal and Ethical Boundaries: Nurses must adhere to legal and ethical guidelines governing their practice. Understanding their limitations in prescribing medications, making diagnoses, and performing specific procedures is vital to ensuring patient safety and maintaining professional integrity.
  3. Continuing Education: Ongoing education and professional development are essential for nurses to stay current and expand their knowledge and skills within their scope of practice. This enables them to provide increasingly complex care as their expertise grows.

The nursing orientation program that gave life to NTS was started as a nurse-driven process improvement but has always included multiple disciplines to maximize success. Bedside nurses have driven the evolution of the orientation process to being adequately prepared to handle all the challenges in the Emergency Department. This requires collaboration with physicians, mid-level providers, pharmacists, and simulation technologists to present each group their simulation content. Collaboration with department and hospital administration for scheduling and understanding that investing in new colleagues is investing in improved patient outcomes.

By striking a balance between nurse-driven processes and collaborative care, healthcare institutions can harness the full potential of their nursing workforce while maintaining the highest standards of patient care and safety. Empowered nurses, working in tandem with other healthcare professionals, are at the heart of providing exceptional care to patients and improving outcomes in healthcare settings.

Rachel Hodo, BSN, RN AA-SANE, TNS
Rachel Hodo, BSN, RN AA-SANE, TNS


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