Current Version: 1.9.2
Last Update: 8/5/2024

  • Various Bug Fixes and improvements to print versions of site views.
  • Accuracy reporting for Knowledge Check results (Multiple Choice, Select all that Apply, Dropdown, and Matching questions).
  • Knowledge Check Template drag and drop Questions.

Updates provided in the previous versions are outlined below.

Version 1.8

Version: 1.8.0-10
Date: 2/19/24-7/1/24

  • Various bug fixes, and improved platform support.
  • Added option to export schedules to XLS
  • Added template for Weekly Report improving the scripts that create each report as well as the script that sends the report.
  • Weekly Reports can be modified week over week.
  • The E-mail version of the weekly report has inline CSS and moves the calendar to be a table version to improve the view in multiple e-mail platforms.
  • Refined the benchmark calculations to be measured by the week or by the grouping of shifts.

Version 1.7

Version: 1.7.0-1.7.29

  • Control Panel & Maintenance – NTS Colleagues utilize this site view to create keys for Configuration and Learner records. They are also able to revive archived data. This section lays the ground work for future support section. 
  • Candidate Interview -documentation of Peer Interview and Job shadow. Information collected in an interview can be converted to create a new learner and tracked across the platform to correlate with tenure and performance.
  • Customization -Enhancements to the configuration records allow for affiliate-specific settings: Time Zone, Additional Shift Options, Learner Types, Role Names (Charge Nurse, Orientation Nurse, Leadership Titles), and Learning Topics. 
  • Communication Preferences -Learners and Preceptors can edit their own Communication Preferences including updating phone numbers, email addresses, and preferred method. These updates ensure the end user is in control of how they receive communication.
  • Documentation of Multiple Roles for a Single Learner: Learners can now have their orientation documented for multiple roles, allowing for a more comprehensive training experience.
  • New Reporting Feature: A dedicated reporting tab, "Reports," has been added to provide easy access to various data reporting and export functions, including Weekly Updates, Schedules, Review Dashboard, Formal Evaluations, Curriculum, Transcripts, and Export functions.
  • Learner Achievements: A filter and sort listing of all Learners to quickly determine who is qualified to work in various roles, who has attended or missed certain courses, etc.
  • Drag-and-Drop Preceptor Assignment Screen: A visually intuitive Preceptor Assignment screen now allows users to easily assign or remove preceptors for learners on orientation. Users can also designate primary preceptors and orientation nurses with simple drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Learner Action Plan Documentation: Users can now report concerns or challenges faced by learners during their orientation. This feature enables further investigation, documentation, and review of preceptor interviews, evaluations, comments, and outcome data, ultimately facilitating the creation of a tailored action plan to support learners in overcoming obstacles.

Version 1.6

Version: 1.6.0-1.6.18

  • Events – Event Type Unavailable to block out certain dates on a Learner or Preceptor’s calendar. Resource Shift Evaluations can have the questions displayed limited to a smaller scope of questions. Maintenance Script removes items from the listing of required evaluations.
  • Users – User profile extends the standard User for the website to determine the data each user can review and the subscriptions/options that each user wishes to exercise. The information is interconnected between the standard user record and the preceptor record for the Orientation Nurse user. 
  • Data Management – new fields exist on the configuration record for max days to solicit a response on an evaluation allowing the maintenance scripts to be guided by each Affiliate / Role. Additional field manages where images are stored.
  • Communication – 
    • New message templates added: Learner Message / Preceptor To-Do Message (links to the To-Do list), Learner Welcome Message, Preceptor Message (links to respective public pages, schedule, and includes Userguide attachment), Leader Meeting Post Message on a template.
    • Weekly Update – a message that includes a written introduction by the default user and automated sections for new evaluations, upcoming schedules, recent changes, preceptor comments, preceptor announcements, and important links.
    • Messages sent via email and text are documented for all Learners, Preceptors, as well as Leadership Users, and Orientation Nurse users.
  • Images / Media – Added image functions to all Editors allowing for images to be uploaded to the site and to be displayed. Allows media from external sites (such as youtube) to be played.

Version 1.5

Version: 1.5.0-1.5.11

  • Configuration– Site View that allows front end editing of the Configuration record eliminating the need to provide additional training for backend use.
  • Communication – Backend Administrator with access to component parameters can set up DKIM to match domain DNS entries and configure text messaging using a pay-per-use service: Twillo.
  • Preceptor Assessment – extends Evaluation functions: allows for the bulk review of a Preceptor’s performance, review of their comments, strengths, opportunities, and challenges. The Orientation Nurse can then discuss an action plan and submit this documentation to the Preceptor / Leadership. 
  • Clinical Development Grid – extends Curriculum functions: allowing for the documentation of a simulation event in real time. Comments are time stamped which can be matched to footage and used to supplement the debriefing.
  • Knowledge Check – extends Curriculum functions: allows for the collection of Questions and responses from participants of a course.
  • Curriculum – Course Survey expanded to 25 questions and Demographics can vary based on the settings in each template. Various Site Views are adjusted for consistency in the method that data is displayed, links and List Views added for extensions.
  • Competencies – creates a method to document regulatory requirements and skill checklists. The section also extends the Learner and Preceptor pages creating To-Do Lists for reminders on: Evaluations, Competencies, Course Surveys, and Knowledge Checks that still need to be collected.
  • Various minor improvements including consistency in terms, links, and bug fixes

Version 1.4

Version: 1.4.0-1.4.35

  • Data presentation:All Learners, Preceptor, Evaluation, and Leadership Site Views present the content based on the data stored in the associated configuration record. A configuration represents a singular Affiliate location and role.
  • Data processing:All Evaluation Site View forms process their own data then redirect to the appropriate page based off the parameters included. Unnecessary re-directs have been removed.
  • Evaluation Comments– document discussion of an individual evaluation result among Orientation Nurses
  • Preceptor Comments– documents positive, neutral, and negative comments related to a daily evaluation. Shares the comments with Leadership and Positive/Neutral comments with the Preceptor.
  • Review Dashboard– compiles performance data related to Preceptors, Learners, Achievements (when Learners reached a specified level on their evaluations), Outcomes, and Courses. All data can be exported to XLS.
  • Graph functions– graphs were added to Outcome pages.
  • Various minor improvements including consistency in terms, links, and bug fixes 

Version 1.3

Versions: 1.3.0-1.3.11

  • All records capture the user who creates, modifies, as well as the time. Learners and Configuration table save the history of changes.
  • Leader Portal:
    • Leaders have access to view the default dashboard. The view includes Learners currently on orientation and a condensed list of facts including anticipated end orientation dates.
    • A deeper review of published Learner Data, all Formal Evaluations, and links to the Public Learner / Preceptor pages is included.
    • Leader Update meetings have a schedule function with the Events Add Shifts Site View and a function to send calendar reminders to Outlook. The Leader meeting documents and updates all leaders and the orientation nurse regarding progress and a transition to independent practice.
  • Outcomes Function:Analysis of an Affiliate’s / Preceptor’s / Learner’s performance relative to interventions made to teach how to provide the represented care.
  • Export Function:Evaluation, Survey, Events, and Outcomes along with the related Learner/Preceptor/Affiliate data and any other relative fields.
  • Communication Functions:
    • Migrated many communications functions to be from a template housed within an individual Affiliate Configuration record.
    • Added communication function to remind a preceptor about all of their pending Evaluations as opposed to a singular evaluation.
  • Various minor improvements including consistency in terms, links, and bug fixes. 

Version 1.2

Versions: 1.2.0-1.2.20
Date: 7/14/22 – 12/1/22

  • Configuration records:for each Affiliate / Role. Preceptors can work across multiple affiliates and roles; learners can only orient for one role.
    • Record guides communication: template & method, defaults/standard practices, and learner roles/types.
    • Storage for evaluation questions, and method to answer.
  • Curriculum Function:record outcome/objectives, and description for learning events that will be presented in individual Courses. Post Learning Survey function.
  • Event Function: record future events and completed learning of multiple types (shifts, class, etc.) Facilitates post-event communication for daily shift evaluations and surveys. 

Version 1.1

Versions: 1.1.0-1.1.40
Date: 3/1/22 – 7/13/22

  • Benchmark created from previous cohorts of learners
    • Exclude function for learners that orient outside the norm and shouldn’t be reflected in the benchmark data.
  • Preceptor eligible function allows for a preceptor to be removed from the list without eliminating their data. Unable to schedule this preceptor with a learner for future shifts.
  • Formal EvaluationProcess (3 steps: Report Card, Formal Evaluation, Goal Setting & Daily Question updates)
  • Dashboard Reporting

Version 1.0

Versions: 1.0.0-1.0.41
Date: 10/29/21 - 2/25/22

  • Learner Daily Evaluation
  • Preceptor Daily Evaluation
  • Pair to Learner and Preceptor records