• URL: /learners/add-learner.html
  • Access: - Leadership Users: from the Dashboard click on the Add Learner button.
    - Orientation Nurse Users: from the Main Menu choose Add Learner from the Learners dropdown.
  • Download PDF
Add New Learner (Step 1)
Add New Learner (Step 1)
  • Required Fields: First Name, Last Name, Communication Method[1], Start Date, and Affiliate. All other fields can be completed at a later date.
  • Before inviting a Learner/Preceptor to complete an evaluation, the record must include an E-mail, Phone Number, Orientation Nurse, and at least 1 preceptor[5].

Learner Notes: This is public content intended to be used to communicate current goals, learner needs, and upcoming events to learners and preceptors. It is displayed on the Learner/Preceptor Public Page where Learners and Preceptors are redirected after completing their respective daily evaluations.

This is a long text box that saves HTML (website coding).

Learner Key Application

Apply a Learner Key
Apply a Learner Key

Once a record is created the Learner Add page redirects to the Learner View / Edit page view. A Learner Key must be applied to activate the features of the Learning Center

The Key is issued by Nurse Training Strategies and is part of the licensing agreement to use this web application. A key is required for any communication or data collection features to be enabled. A Learner record’s creation cannot be created if no key is applied.

A Key is for History (tenure documentation only) or Full (Communication features, evaluations/survey collection, contribution to benchmark, etc).

Learner Key applied on Add Learner (Step 2)
Learner Key applied on Add Learner (Step 2)
Once a Full Key is applied a record cannot be converted to a History Key, however, a History Key can be upgraded to Full Key.

Apply a Role

Once a record is created and a key is applied at least one role must be selected.

Add a Role(s) to a Learner
Add a Role(s) to a Learner
A single key will support the learner's orientation journey through various roles. Each role controls the content of the evaluation questions and leader meeting templates. The typical set-up would be as follows: Learner Jane Doe works for Acme General Emergency Department and originally orients to the RN role. After gaining several years of experience Jane Doe has the Triage RN role added and is oriented to that specialty job. It can also be used to document focus elements of a more complex orientation.

Add a role:

  • Check the large checkbox next to the title of the role.
  • The role will expand showing additional fields.
  • A Start Date must be documented and should be the first day the learner worked in the new role.
  • Adjust the Anticipated Resource Date and End Orientation Date as needed, default dates will be calculated based on the configuration settings.
  • Once Jane Doe has completed orientation, check the checkbox: Has Jane completed Orientation? and document the Date Orientation Completed. Once designated no additional evaluations can be collected on this role.
  • If Jane Doe no longer functions in the role (because they have left the department or no longer functions in a specialty role) check the checkbox Inactivate Role? and document the End Date and End Notes.

One role must be designated as the Learner's primary role.

Additional Fields

Once a record is created the Learner Add page redirects to the Learner View / Edit page view. Additional fields must be selected during this step. 

Add additional information to the Learner Record (Step 2)
Add additional information to the Learner Record (Step 2)
Once an Affiliate / Role is set, values from the Configuration Record are compiled: Learner TypeOrientation NursePreceptors[2, 3]Primary Preceptors[4], and Role. Cohort, Hired Shift, Orientation Shift, and Resource Shift are desired. All of the fields can be edited later but require a value.

Orientation Nurse’s Learner Notes: This is private content that is not visible to learners or preceptors but only to Preceptors. Use this note to clarify the data if there was an anomaly with the Learner’s Orientation experience. The notes appear when hovering over the Learner’s name on the Learner List View.

Start Date & End Date: A calendar will appear when clicking into the field. Click the desired date, the date will be formatted in the necessary way for the database to save. The dates should be the first and last days the learner worked in their primary roles. 

Candidate Interview: Data from a Candidate Interview can be carried over to create a new Learner. By selecting a previously documented Candidate Interview on the Learner Add screen the information will be placed in the appropriate fields. 

Benchmark: selecting Yes, updates all evaluation records associated with the learner to indicate they are part of the benchmark. The benchmark average evaluation scores are grouped by the week or shift matching Learner Type and Learner Role within the affiliate.


[1] Each message has a communication method set in the Configuration record. Each user can also indicate their preferred method. For example: if the method is set to Text and the Preceptor agrees that is their preferred method, the message is sent by text. However, if the Preceptor’s Communication Method is E-mail, the method is overridden and it is sent to the E-mail.

[2] The Preceptors list can be filtered to show specific preceptors that meet specific requirements. All Preceptors that will teach the Learner should have a Preceptor record added before a Learner is added. If a preceptor is not on the list, they can be added and then the Learner record can be updated to include the preceptor. Add Preceptor instructions are found on page: 105.

[3] A Preceptor is any nurse who would be assigned to be orienting a learner for a shift, the Orientation Nurse should be included on this list even if they will not often work shifts with the learner. The Orientation Nurse will be responsible for completing formal evaluations.

[4] The Primary Preceptor is designated by using the check box closest to the Preceptor's Name. This is on the preferred Preceptors on the team. The preference may change over time. For example, a Learner starts on days, the dayshift Preceptors are preferred, and they transition to nights, at that time the dayshift preceptors are no longer preferred, and the night shift preceptors are now Primary.

[5] Best Practice: Once a Preceptor has worked with a Learner, they have made an impact on the outcome of that person’s orientation. Keep the checkbox on the left checked to allow future measurement/comparison of how different preceptors have impacted outcomes.