• URL: /dashboard.html
  • Access: Orientation Nurse and Leadership Users
Dashboard elements provide a snapshots of Orientation Process
Dashboard elements provide a snapshots of Orientation Process

The Dashboard provides an at-a-glance progress report of selected learners. The dashboard is divided into several sections:

  • Data selection (highlighted in yellow):
    Orientation Nurse Users can modify the display to review retrospective data.
    Leadership Users can toggle between dashboards that display current Learners among various Affiliates.
  • Quick Links (highlighted in blue):
    Leadership Users have Quick Links to add records for a new Preceptor and a new Learner
    dashboard leader links
  • Filter (highlighted in green): narrow the data displayed to the desired role.
  • Dashboard (highlighted in orange): Learner Progress Report, a report is generated for each role.
  • Orientation Tracker (highlighted in red): This section displays essential data about Learners Currently on Orientation, providing essential information for operations.
    This section can be sorted and filtered as well. Note that a Learner who is orienting for multiple roles will have a tile for each role.
  • Orientation Plan: Report snapshots displaying:
    • Schedule Changes (highlighted in pink)
    • Pending Evaluations (highlighted in light blue)
    • Orientation Nurse comments (highlighted in grey - only for Orientation Nurse users)
    • Weekly Reports (highlighted in brown)
      Clicking on items brings users to further information on the topic.

Dashboard Parameters

Dashboard Parameters - Orientation Nurse Users
Dashboard Parameters - Orientation Nurse Users
  1. Select Data (Compare Learners by _______) and Include Benchmark (if available), 
  2. Focus Results (who should fill in the blank in step 1) and When (organize by week or shift)
  3. Choose Learners to include: Click Select below to update changes in checkboxes. 

By default, the Dashboard displays the learners Currently on Orientation with a benchmark[1]. Users with a Leadership profile can only see the default view and cannot adjust the dashboard.

You can use this feature to compare learners from current/previous cohorts. 

  • Where was Learner A compared to the benchmark or another similar learner at this period? 
  • If Learner A is behind the curve compared to others, consider: 
    • Which interventions or conditions are different?
    • Can any be modified?
    • Do we need a different strategy?
  • If Learner A is ahead of others, consider: 
    • Can these conditions/interventions be replicated for other Learners?

Learner Progress Snapshot

Dashboard Progress Snapshot
Dashboard Progress Snapshot

This section provides an at-a-glance progress report showing each Learner's progress vs. the benchmark. 

Ideally, one Daily Learner and one Daily Preceptor will be received per shift. With a constant stream of feedback, a clear picture of progress and opportunities emerges. Spurradic feedback tends to focus more on deficits rather than progress. Focusing on overcoming deficits is a defensive strategy, whereas using strengths to take advantage of opportunities is a maximization strategy.

The Dashboard Parameters impact the data displayed in this section. Hover over the item title to review the item that was evaluated. The scores displayed are averaged over all results received for the period displayed.

Results from previous learners who have completed orientation are used to formulate a benchmark. The comparison is how an individual learner was able to perform versus their peers who experienced the same orientation process (affiliate/role) with the same background (learner type) at the same point in the process (week/shift number).

Orientation Tracker

Snapshot of Operational Information needed to facilitate Orientation
Snapshot of Operational Information needed to facilitate Orientation

Each block displays a snapshot of operational Information needed to facilitate orientation.

  • Current Week: calculated based on date.
  • Anticipated Resource Date: per documentation on Learner Record[2].
  • Anticipated End Orientation: per documentation on Learner Record.
  • Next Steps: per documentation on recent Formal Evaluation.
  • Preceptors: list of nurses who are the preferred teachers for this colleague, the bold names should be given priority as they are designated the current primary preceptors.
  • Orientation Nurse: point of contact for questions regarding this Learner’s progress
  • Leader Meeting: The next date/time to discuss progress with Leadership.

Orientation Plan

Report Snapshots
Report Snapshots

The final portion of the dashboard provides a quick review of how closely the Orientation Plans are being actualized.

  • Prececeptor Substitution Shifts examines how many shifts have had a preceptor substitution from the original preceptor that was designated.
  • Pending Learner Evaluations displays a listing of events where a Preceptor still needs to do a Daily Learner Evaluation. Clicking on the individual event will bring the user to the Event View / Edit Site View. Clicking the Preceptor’s name brings the user to the Preceptor View Site View where the user can send a reminder for all the pending evaluations a Preceptor needs to complete.
  • Orientation Nurse Comments are only visible to Orientation Nurse users. The table displays a list of Evaluations that have a comment placed by an Orientation Nurse. Clicking on the Date brings the user to the Evaluation View / Edit screen where other users can add additional comments. 
  • Weekly Reports displays a listing of recent Weekly Reports that can be reviewed to understand the Orientation events of that week.

Leadership User Learner Progress Snapshot

Leadership User Current Progress Snapshot
Leadership User Current Progress Snapshot

The Leadership User is focused on reviewing the current progress of Learners on Orientation at the time they access the dashboard. There is one table for each role. Hover over the item title to review the item that was evaluated. The scores displayed are averaged over all results received for the period displayed.

Results from previous learners who have completed orientation are used to formulate a benchmark. The comparison is how an individual learner was able to perform versus their peers who experienced the same orientation process (affiliate/role) with the same background (learner type) at the same point in the process (week/shift number).


[1] The benchmark is organized by week or by shift number. This designation is made by each role's configuration. Best Practice: If orientation shifts are sporadic or vary (procedural or specialized roles like Triage RN or Charge RN) match by shift number.

[2] These dates should be reviewed by the Orientation Nurse each time they meet with the Learner for a Formal Evaluation. By default, they are calculated by the Default Orientation Length on the Affiliate configuration record.