• URL: /learners/evaluation-view.html
  • Access: Orientation Nurse User/Leadership Users
Evaluation Result
Evaluation Result

This page is used to view and edit individual Evaluations. It is accessible for Leadership and Orientation Nurse Users. However, leadership users are limited to viewing only formal learners and formal preceptor evaluations, Whereas Orientation Nurse Users can view and edit all Evaluation types. 

The Evaluation View Edit Screen displays all Evaluation Types and draws back to the appropriate Evaluation Template for the role for which the evaluation was submitted.configure evaluation templates

The figure to the right is highlighted in various colors to differentiate the information that is displayed.

  • The Type is indicated in the upper left corner (highlighted yellow)
  • Quick Links to the right (highlighted blue)
  • Categorization information (highlighted orange), use the evaluation calculate button to re-measure the week and shift number based on the matched event. The combination of Role, Learner Type, and Week/Shift is used to match up appropriate records to form the benchmark figures.
  • Rubric appropriate to the Role (highlighted green),
  • The Responses (highlighted purple)
  • The Benchmark for the responses (highlighted pink)
  • The Daily Comment and buttons to flag responses (highlighted maroon)
  • The Learner Specific Questions and Responses (highlighted teal)

Edit an Evaluation

Evaluation Edit Screen
Evaluation Edit Screen

The categorization information at the top of each evaluation can always be adjusted. The most common edits should be preceptor, shift date, week, and published status.[1] To edit other items, click in the Quick Links in the upper right. Changing scores should be limited to fixing an error from submitting an evaluation before answering all the items.

When editing is completed, save the changes by clicking , , or . Clicking sends the result to the recycle bin.[2]

The figure to the right is highlighted in various colors to differentiate the information that is displayed.

  • The Type is indicated in the upper left (highlighted yellow)
  • Quick Links to the right (highlighted blue)
  • Categorization information (highlighted orange)
  • The Responses can be updated [3] (highlighted purple)
  • The Benchmark for the responses (highlighted pink)
  • A Formal Evaluation will include an option for Notes which is a place to document the conversation surrounding each of the items. (highlighted green).
  • A Formal Evaluation includes a section for Goals, whereas a Daily Evaluation has a section for the Daily Comment and buttons to flag responses (highlighted maroon).
  • The Learner Specific Questions and Responses (highlighted teal)


Results from previous learners who have completed orientation are used to formulate a benchmark. Each item's results are averaged[4], matching week or shift numbers, type of learner, affiliate, and role. The comparison is how an individual learner was able to perform versus their peers who experienced the same orientation process (affiliate/role) with the same background (learner type) at the same point in the process (week/shift number).

Designate all Evaluations nested under an individual Learner as part of the benchmark
Designate all Evaluations nested under an individual Learner as part of the benchmark
To include a learner in the benchmark, update the Learner record (see Learner Edit), answering “Yes” to Include in the Benchmark.

When the learner record is saved, it will update all nested evaluations including indicating that they’re part of the benchmark. Answering “No” would remove all of the learner’s results from the benchmark.

Advanced Commenting Features

Flag this Evaluation to other Orienation Nurse Users
Flag this Evaluation to other Orienation Nurse Users

A Daily Learner, Daily Preceptor, and Provider Evaluation have buttons to the right of the Daily Comment that are used to highlight the contents of the Evaluation record.

evaluation add on commentOrientation Nurse Comments allow the Orientation Nurse to post commentary on the content of the Evaluation record privately among other Orientation Nurses. These are displayed on the Dashboard and are only visible to Orientation Nurse Users. 

Each comment is timestamped with who wrote the comment. Additional Orientation Nurses can also comment[5].

Share the Comment to the Preceptor's Transcript
Share the Comment to the Preceptor's Transcript
evaluation add preceptor commentThe Preceptor Comment function is designed to provide positive reinforcement of desired behaviors among preceptors. And to allow Leadership Users to be aware of the contribution that Preceptors are making to the success of the Learners. 

These comments are also incorporated into the Weekly Report, Preceptor Assessment, and Preceptor Transcript. These functions allow Leaders to be aware of the contributions preceptors are making on a day-to-day basis.

preceptor comment example

evaluation start lap

Report a Concern to initiate a Learner Action Plan
Report a Concern to initiate a Learner Action Plan
The Learner Action Plan is a formal process to report a concern regarding a Learner's progress toward autonomous practice. Collect evidence regarding the challenge and work with all stakeholders to create a plan to overcome the challenge.


[1] If Published = Archived, the User sends the results to the recycle bin. It will no longer be included in any results. However, it can be revived by your organization's Support User.

[2] Archiving results should be reserved for duplicate results. A result archived in error can be revived by a Super User using the backend list, finding the evaluation, and changing the published status back to published.

[3] Best Practice: changing the reposnse to item is not recommended and should be limited to being updated by the User who wrote the original evaluation.

[4] Benchmarks on characteristics that are only evaluated on formal evaluations will take several cohorts to establish a benchmark per week as there will be fewer results to compare.

[5] Best Practice: The function is designed to bring to light an event that occurred during a shift. Allow other Orientation Nurses’ attention to be drawn to the issue to offer insight and determine the next steps to maintain a Learner's progress toward autonomous practice.