• URL: /preceptor-public.html
  • Access: All Users with the Link
  • Download PDF
Preceptor's Page - available to Preceptor
Preceptor's Page - available to Preceptor

This page is typically accessed after the preceptor submits a daily evaluation. There are several messages such as the Preceptor Message that include links to this document.

Purpose: The page is intended to keep the Preceptor up to date with the current goals and objectives, learners' needs, and how they should focus their efforts when working with a learner[1]. A preceptor can also review how learners have evaluated their efforts.

Keep the preceptor informed of each learner's current goals, objectives, and progress.

  • Quick Links (highlighted in yellow)
  • Preceptor Announcements for each Affiliate associated with the Preceptor record (highlighted in blue)
  • Goals and Objectives for each Learner on Orientation and associated with the Preceptor record (highlighted in green)
  • The preceptor can also review how learners have been rating their experiences (highlighted in orange)
  • Contact Information and Links to other Learners (highlighted in red)

The page has quick links to the Learner’s Schedule and Transcript. Like the Public Preceptor Page, Shifts with missing evaluations will also show a link to the To-Do list at the top.

The content on this page is automatically assembled from the Preceptor record and the records from the most recent Daily / Formal evaluations.

Quick Links

Update Communication Use this link to update your phone number and e-mail address.
Schedule View upcoming learning events.
Transcript View the complete list of completed events.
To Do List View a list of Competencies, Evaluations, Knowledge Checks, and Surveys that need input from the Learner. Pending items on the list will cause the alert in the figure to appear.

An Orientation Nurse or Leadership User also sees Quick Links to Edit the Preceptor Record and Assign Competencies.

Learner Goals

Goals and Objectives for each Learner
Goals and Objectives for each Learner

Learners who have been designated as "on-orientation" and have this preceptor as a part of their team will have their current goals and objectives published to the Preceptor.

The view includes easy access to the Learner's Contact Information. The buttons link the Preceptor to be able to button report concern, starting a Learner Action Plan orbutton learner progress to review how other Preceptors are assigning scores.

The figures below show the Preceptor Pulblic page optimized for a mobile device. The figure on the right displays the Preceptor's Information and links to each Learner on orientation. This allows every preceptor the ability to review a Learner's goals and progress should they have a one-off shift with a learner who is not usually on their service.

Optimized for a Mobile Device
Optimized for a Mobile Device
Access Information on All Learners on Orientation
Access Information on All Learners on Orientation

Update Communication

Step 1: Verify Identity
Step 1: Verify Identity

Utilize the link on the left side of the Preceptor's Page on a desktop or the first link that appears on a mobile device: Update Communication

Clicking that button will send the Preceptor a 6-digit code made up of random letters and numbers to their current primary means of communication. This code is stored to be verified.

Step 2: Update Contact Information
Step 2: Update Contact Information
The Preceptor can update their e-mail, phone number, and preferences. They can also remove all of these items. The default address for this Preceptor's Affiliate / Role is notified.

If unable to verify: The Preceptor is directed to send their Update request to the default e-mail address for their Affiliate.


Schedule & Listing of Events
Schedule & Listing of Events

Click Schedule to access the calendar/list of future events associated with the learner record.

The listing at the bottom includes past and future events. The list can be sorted and searched. Additional links appear to Users who are logged in allowing for the schedule to be edited in-mass or event by event.


Preceptor Transcript
Preceptor Transcript

Click Transcript to access a list of completed events associated with the learner record.

The Transcript has Quick Links and the ability to adjust the start date of the Transcript. By default, it will show one year of completed learning.

  • Return to Preceptor Public (highlighted in yellow)
  • Print (highlighted in blue)
  • List Views: (highlighted in green)
    • Hours by Event (Figure right), displays a listing of hours and the activity.
    • Topics by Hours displays how many hours spent on each Topic
    • Course Details (Figure lower left) displays attendance, learning outcome, learning objectives, event description, etc.
    • Completed Competencies 
  • Preceptor Comments (highlighted in orange)
  • Competency Documentation (Figure lower right), both documents that the Preceptor has signed and items that document the Preceptor/linked Learner record's competency (highlighted in red). Use this view to print out proof the preceptor has validated another colleague's skills.
  • Change Dates (highlighted in purple) – form to change the start date of the transcript.
  • Preceptor Assessment document link (highlighted in pink).
  • Pending Evaluations will have buttons in the Learner column (highlighted in grey).

Course Details
Course Details
Orientation Documentation Documents
Orientation Documentation Documents

To-Do List

To Do List
To Do List

To Do List Alert
To Do List Alert
There is a List View for each: Shift Evaluations, Competencies (that have been assigned), Course Surveys, and Knowledge Checks. Each List View is searchable and sortable. Alerts appear when Competencies are past due (red background) to draw attention towards completion.

On a mobile device: Quick Links are limited to just a link back to the Learner Public Page and empty List Views are hidden.

When an Orientation Nurse or Leadership User navigates to this page while logged in additional features appear: Reminder messages, links to edit the items on the list, and the main menu. These elements are highlighted in blue. The reminder function can send an e-mail or text message to the Learner regarding the items on their list that need their attention.

Competency Documentation
Competency Documentation
Complete competency documentation by completing the fields that are outlined in yellow. When choosing a date only dates the Learner had an event will populate.


[1] Best Practice: A Preceptor should be reminded to frequently review this page. They should also have a link saved so that they can access the information anytime they work with a new Learner or for the first time in several weeks. This allows the preceptor to brief themselves on current goals and objectives as well as recent results reported by other preceptors.